While exploring Joric's GitHub repository, I discovered the ProMicro nRF52840 and nRF52840 core module. I immediately recognized the core module's extensive potential. However, the provided PCB footprint and schematic were exclusively available in EasyEDA format, which is less common within the hobbyist and open-source communities compared to KiCad.
I have redrawn the schematics in KiCad format it few points can is 0.1mm off from the original schematic. I eagerly welcome any feedback or insights on this feed.
footprint files: nrf52840-core-module-footprint/NRF52840_CORE_MODULE.kicad_mod at main · easinarafatkoko/nrf52840-core-module-footprint (github.com)
Another thing I've noticed is that, while it's a great board, file availability can be challenging for users outside from China. For instance, I struggled to download a simple bootloader file from Baidu Pan (https://pan.baidu.com/s/11IbfDyghf24xts8tqBz2Nw?pwd=8888) because of the difficulties non-Chinese users face to create account in this platform. and they couldn't even let me download the file without an account and account need a Chinese phone number.
My suggestion would be English spoken chat/forum (discord/telegram) for global user and providing source code, schematic, footprint and firmware files in GitHub/GitLab or something convenient could greatly address many of these issues.