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Power DC Input Range and Safety Limits for ESP32-DO Boards 开发板的电源要求
1a)What is the range of DC input for the ESP32-DO? Is it 5-6V? 1b)What is the maximum tolerance it can support?
1a) ESP32 - DO 的直流输入范围是多少?是 5 - 6V 吗?1b) 它能承受的最大公差是多少?
My DC adapter is labeled as 6V, but the actual measured output is 6.4V. Is it safe for long-term use with this ESP32-DO board?
我的直流适配器标称为 6V,但实际测量输出为 6.4V。对于这个 ESP32 开发板来说,长期使用这样的电压安全吗?
What is the maximum total wattage output of the ESP32-DOboard? What are the total current (amperage) and wattage limits for the 5V and 3.3V pins?
ESP32 开发板的最大总输出功率是多少?5V 和 3.3V 引脚的总电流(安培)和功率限制是多少?